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Feirdean Commons
assisted and independent living

This collection is a focus on symmetry and impending solutions. I chose this assisted living home to best demonstrate the use of a symmetrical setting as a psychological comfort to the residents. A secondary expression displayed is the study of time ticking away, an unintentional detail from my photography class.


Multiple Me

Normally I shoot for unintentional natural photography, for the exception of this project. I set up my tripod and took a few pictures of me working and watching some football. Some friends came over later and we played a few games.

The Hunt

I've never been hunting or shot at anything for that matter. However, I was able to follow a few hunters who were willing to let me document the trip. It was an exhilarating experience and I would do it again if I had the chance. I still don't think I could be able to shoot anything though. 

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