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Main Logo

An Application


The smartphone app allows users to connect with other coffee enthusiasts, enjoy some brain games, and most of all create their very own coffee concoctions.

A Vacuum Mug


With integrated Bluetooth technology, this vacuum mug connects with the app to bring the users concoctions to the Drip Coffee Kiosks. It also provides a reusable solution to throw away coffee cups.

An Experience


The Drip Coffee Company aims to connect and grow with the users. Providing new technology and experiences that will revolutionize the way we drink coffee.

The Kiosk

By simply placing your mug on the dispenser platform, the kiosk instantly reads your saved concoctions and can brew them for you in minutes. Through the app you can also queue a favorite concoction to help speed the process up even more. The queueing process lets you save a favorite location that will have your queued brew data ready for you even before you place the mug.

Comercial Applications

Company Website

Thesis Components

Brand Book

Thesis Setup

App Design

The New Look

More To Come

Click Here For The Drip Behance Project

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